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Actively unplug from everyday life.

An opportunity for every young person to sail

The aim of the Sail Trainees of Finland is to enable as many young people as possible to take up sailing, regardless of their background. For years, Snupu has been providing its members with grants to participate in Sail Training events. You can apply for a grant all year round.

In recent years, grants have been awarded for events such as The Tall Ships Races, Atlantic crossings and Norwegian coastal sailing.

What is Snupu? 

For 35 years, the Sail Trainees of Finland (Snupu) has been promoting sail training activities for young people, from familiar shores to the waves of the Atlantic. 

Snupu organises sailing-related training and various informal events for its members. In addition, Snupu creates and maintains contacts with international Sail Training organisations and informs about international Sail Training activities.


Snupu is open to people over 14 years old, no previous experience necessary. 


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